So we go off to Leeds Train Station with Marshall and Ed off to London and Me and Bobbo to Glasgow.
We all go to exchange some money in the train staion and this drunkin nut starts hassling bob, asking him for 20pounds-i thought he was gonna urinate on our luggage-very interesting to see how each of us handled the guy-bob didn't know whether to punch his lights out of stare at him, i was laughing at the situation, lucy was gettin nervous and gave him some money to hit the pike and he left.
we say our goodbyes to lucy and get some food at this little pub-type restaurant in the station for tea and burgers.
Ed goes off to hit the restroom which is outside the pub and all of the sudden alarms go off to evacuate immediately-we all look at each other, like what is going on, and this official looking gentleman runs into the pub yelling "GET OUT OF THE STATION NOW, LEAVE EVERYTHING AND GET OUT NOW!"
Shit, we move fast, getting our gear, and leave the station, anticipating in my minds eye the impact of the explosion as particles of brick and debris penetrate my soft tissue, throwing me through solid objects, body parts detaching, all until the last brief moment of total awareness has left-knowing that this is the last existing moment of your life and that it was not totally unusual to end in some terrorist attack.
apparently a false alarm, as some unattended baggage set off the need for immediate safety-Marshall and Bob are huddle behind their own shadows prob. thinking the same as I-and i am also thinking, where is ed-shit, he is in the bathroom-in the chaos he comes strolling down the hallway as the false alarm has cleared us-he was stuck in the bathroom-prob. the safest place to be during an attack.
hugs and goodbyes to see ed and marshall off.
Glasgow awaits and we are plenty tired...
Nice talking on the phone with you. When will we see a Sofia blog?
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