I have been working with the moving image since 1989, which is a small spark in the tradition of cinema. I am happy and fortunate to share a relationship with this special discipline. My films are often meditations on beauty, perception, allegory, sensuality and visual phenomenon. I strive to reacquaint the viewer with the moment of becoming aware of witnessing something - perhaps capture the essence of visual thought that is empty of fixed meaning.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


a small blurb. Note incorrect info-"former Sun Ra Arkestra member", still going strong as leader, misspelled "Mohoney", should read Mahoney, no mention of my films, except for not suprising, The Sun Ra connection.

"Don't measure the press by what they say about you but by how many inches."
paraphrase quote by ANDY WARHOL

SUN RA Re-Incarnation in Tokyo - via film
I went to see and listen to a wonderful thing last night. My friend and manager of Super Deluxe Tokyo, Mike Kubeck, organised a Japan tour of 'Cinema Soloriens & The Cosmo Drama', with former Sun Ra Arkestra Alto Sax player and leader, Marshall Allen leading. James Harrar, who also plays bamboo flute, has been re-compiling footage of Sun Ra from the 1960s and 70s into amazing short films. These were projected on three walls in Super Deluxe, with Allen, Harrar and R.E. Mohoney on guitar and drum, accompanying.

The sounds were free and 'out'. Allen played alto sax, a small electronic sax and a tiny Casio keyboard, sitting beside one of the projections and occasionally responding to the images. Mahoney would sometimes bang the single floor drum in tribal-beat like patterns creating intense sequences, which would then fold back into minimal passages. The projections showed a mix of abstract patterns, Sun Ra interviews, stage performances and people putting beads around their heads. Thanks Mike, for getting this together....a rare treat.


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