I have been working with the moving image since 1989, which is a small spark in the tradition of cinema. I am happy and fortunate to share a relationship with this special discipline. My films are often meditations on beauty, perception, allegory, sensuality and visual phenomenon. I strive to reacquaint the viewer with the moment of becoming aware of witnessing something - perhaps capture the essence of visual thought that is empty of fixed meaning.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

what a day!

slept heavy for an entire 4 hours. i was up at 5 am-couldn't
sleep anymore-starting to worry about how i can pull this off.

we spent most of the day working with the musiccaffeen staff to
hit up favors for gear. this drum dealer hooked up ed with some
gear but charges him about 100 bucks for a coupla drums sticks
and some brushes. ouch.

this guy, heine is sure nice and knows everbody in the country
regarding musical instruments-we make a list and they try to
help. bamboo sax-there is one in the whole known country and it
is in copenhagen-so no go.

i try to secure a clarinet, buy a toy flute and some wooden
zylophone and that is about it-doable but lacking alot and i am
concerned but goin with the flow.

i have one hour to master a strangers clarinet for a live performance-this
instrument repair guy that looks like danish jesus offers me a
loner b-flat clarinet and if i want a...contra alto bass
clarinet-nuts this thing is like nine feet tall all pipes-i
watch the guy play it and i see the veins in his arms bug out as
he plays-i cant get a note out of this beast-i tell him thanks
but noway bro-just the sissy clarinet.

off to the room to get something together.

we get closer to soundcheck and i start getting really tired and
nauseous-super exhaustion, legs hurt real bad from the
runnning-i crash for about a hour and i cant wake myself up and
fell really shitty, like i am done for. marshall even checks
me out-c'mon on jamie you gotta get youself together and wake up

we do our soundcheck and honestly it was pretty nice-there is

we go back to the hotel and chill i nap sorta and feel bad again

i took my first shower of the trip and felt much better-borrowed
a lick of deoderant and fresh underpants, socks and tshirt from

we have many probs still. because we dont have my multiplug
extension and transformer/power converter bob cant run any
effects petals and no amp he brought and no to marshall's
EVI-another big blow-no EVI no effects-the staff run out to get
us a converter which works for marshall-i am releived but
wondering who (me) is paying for all this and no effects petals
so bob buys a boat load of 9 volt batteries.

we are at the event with our gear and are shown our
dressing/chill room stocked w/ fruit beer and chips water edame

i walk downstairs and i am greeted buy my orange suitcase and
ed's drums. i almost hug the stuff.

buy the way-the light angel is back-every time me and ed went to
a terminal for internet connection-the light would go out-i
looked at the cabin light on the overhead of the plane and they
would go off.

light i look at in the airports as we get to them would go off
as i walk under them. then in frankfurt we are waiting for our
flight to copen hagen and i am taking in how strange this has
been and that this cant be the light angel because it has been
so long and it is just me projecting this whole dumb thing to
get my mind off the troubles we have endured and then i look at
some lights and they don't off-and i am like, yeah, well did you
really think that could happpen, foolish, i look at anoter
light, sorta sad that is isn't real and alittle bummmed then...

the lights go out in the ENTIRE WING, not just the terminal-the
whole wing-they stay off the rest of the stay in frankfurt as
staff work under available light.

we set up all our goodies and rock out to the darkest, funkiest
and prob. smelliest performance-real darkside stuff and still
pretty with tension. great show with the audience screaming
when hitting there frequency. lotsa compliments.

only complaint is the punks at the mixing board working the
dvd/films thing that by screening is an opportunity for their own
self-expression manipulating it to awful colors and
processors-the audience didn't know for shit but youngins
always want to "jam" and get their fingers in the
sauce-whatever i learn now that anytime i hand off to anyone
that they play them straight=all is so layed back here so just

we did a full fantastic performance and we listened back at the
hotel with marshall and i am really satisfied.

so all is well-eating bad though-all 7 eleven food-yuck and
delicious fresh bread and parma ham on a good note but no real
many, many thanks to martin and keld for all the hard work running around and helping us through a tough run.

i dig it here.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Pics from a morn out in the sleepy town.

This is a long tale of humor and long-suffering but don't feel bad for me as I type now with seagull cawing outside a brisk Danish morn in a sleepy medieval town.

Holy shit! We have been in flight or in transit to get to a flight for over 30 hours.

This beginning part of the voyage was a sweet, brutal adventure that began as soon as we got to Atlanta airport.

We flew out on Delta-the plane was first delayed 1 hour-then when we boarded we were delayed on the runway for 3 hours waiting for permission to take off from airtraffic control, stating weather probs. We finally take off and are told that as bad as airtraffic has been that any connecting flights have also been delayed.

Our connection to Copenhagen is at 5:50pm-we long missed that but it gets more interesting as we circle Baltimore for 1 hour only to run out of fuel and land there to refuel before we can get to Newark.

Another 2 hours we are back up and get to Newark at 9:30pm, deplane to Delta slinging the shit to all of us-"we are not responsible for you missing your flights due to weather", weather? wasn't raining, no turbulence during our flight, the flight Marshall and Bob that we were supposed to be on wasn't delayed.

A women is crying, pleading with the Delta CSR-he was so rude to her. Refused to give anyone a room at a hotel and no flight options are available until the next moren at 10 am.

Luckily Deb was giving me flight itineraries as alternatives-we would not have made it to Aarhus. These Delta pukes had no intention of informing us of these flight options until I lay it on-barking at me that there is only one flight which is tomorrow-iI give her flight numbers and she starts to work for us-We left Delta's pathetic terminal for Scandinavia Air and they were so helpful and accommodating-we had to reroute if we wanted to depart tonite, to Frankfurt then to Copenhagen-Aarhus would have to be worked out in Denmark.

We leave off to Frankfurt at 11.30pm...exhaused and alittle bummed to be searated from the groop.

Our appreciation goes to Lufthansa-they were perfection of service and professionalism. Our food was great and then they offered us two weary travelers some Austrailian Shiraz-fill 'er up to the brim-with the effect of little sleep and being in pressurized cabins all day, we get pretty goofed on sweet lucy then alittle cognac and things were looking all gauzy as we proceed across the Atlantic.

We get to Frankfurt-bummer place that airport-even with the hooch I had a tough time sleeping-the video screens were out in our econo cabin so this kid up front never would turn off his light-so little sleep and spilling out to Frankfurt...
Favorite Frankfurt quotes:
"you vill go to gate A, vhy do you not leeson, I tell you whot u must do now and u still not listen."
"put up ze tray now and turn uff ze electronics now, ze tray now sir, now, i say put up zee tray we are landing-now i vill get you bread."

All florescant lighting and grey concrete against exposed wires and pipes of a taste of third reich leftovers.

We get to security checkpoint and Ed says to me that we are going to they showers-we are on to them so no zyclon b for us.

I arrange for our connection to copenhagen and the ticketing wants this special paper we were supposed to have but was taken in newark. he says we will be stuck here in Frankfurt without them-then he checks that a telex was received that stated they erroniously took our special paper so we are saved.

Our flight to Copenhagen is delayed-we end up with 15 min to get to our connection-we have to book it at least 2 football fields running full on i can feel the lactic acid making my tired leg muscles scream. When we get to the gate-nothing the flight was cancelled.

Back we go to ticketing and rebook for Aarhus for 10:30pm-now with plenty of time but so late to get to Aarhus-better we get there though.

We kill some time getting some snacks and browsing around-as we stroll to the gate i look at the tix and this tic is 2 hours earlier than what we were told-we have 5 mins to get to the gate as they are boarding now-running again both of us thinking that the movie The Terminal with Tom Hanks may become our life.

they call our name on the intercom-we get on just in time.

off to Aarhus...

we get to our destination-Ed really kisses the ground. Rolling hills, windmills suppling electricity, trees and fields-sweet air and clean and brisk.

no luggage for us-no drums, no instruments for either one of us and no clothes and effects for me.
the gig is tomorrow
our bags will show u we are told but after the gig but we will have em to go back with.

To be continued...