I have been working with the moving image since 1989, which is a small spark in the tradition of cinema. I am happy and fortunate to share a relationship with this special discipline. My films are often meditations on beauty, perception, allegory, sensuality and visual phenomenon. I strive to reacquaint the viewer with the moment of becoming aware of witnessing something - perhaps capture the essence of visual thought that is empty of fixed meaning.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

DAY ONE- Atlanta to Toronto, Toronto to Leeds

Got up early, me and ed were taken to the airport by deb. i got to spend alittle extra time with my munchkin, she and i would look at each other and smile until she fell asleep. after we said our goodbyes and i grabbed extra smells of deb and baby i was off.

ed and i met up with marshall and bob in toronto. it was like a family reunion, all of us upbeat and goofin.

the plane to london was packed and got abit stuffy.
all of us goon takin our shoes off to get our feets some air. yikes was more like a frito-lay factory. sorry and cheers mate.

Friday, November 09, 2007